New Barn development working hours

Dear Residents 

The Parish council have received reports that, the Contractors working on the New Barn Road development site, have been starting work before the agreed time of 8am.  This has been addressed with Mersea Homes who have reiterated to those contractors that works on the development site must not commence before 8am.   

However, there are no time restrictions in place for the work taking place on the highway so Centaur are starting work at 7.30am to achieve all of the work needed during the allotted road closure timings.  Unfortunately, they were also a day late in starting due to the emergency works undertaken by Anglian Water at the top end of The Street.  They are therefore trying to make up time in order to minimise the impact of the road closure on nearby residents. 

Therefore, whilst the road closure is in place the contractors working on the highway may start at 7.30am so it is likely that you may hear the movement of heavy machinery associated to that road closure work only.  If that is not the case and work starts before 8am on the development site, then please do continue to let the Parish council know by email at

Apologies for the inconvenience that this causes. 

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New 17/09/24: Proposed speed reduction A120

Please find attached letter outlining details of the A120 speed limit reduction proposal.

Essex County council have identified the A120 between Braintree and Marks Tey as needing speed limit measures to help contribute to a safer journey.

More information on the specific areas they plan to cover and how you can have your say is detailed within the letter below.

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Updated 01/10/24: Lancaster memorial livestream

On 20 Sep 1944, two Lancaster’s from 622 Sqn based at RAF Mildenhall and outward bound on an operational mission collided mid-air in bad weather and impacted on farmland between Earls Colne and Great Tey, Essex. 15 aircrew died instantly. 4 of the crew were from New Zealand & 1 from Canada. Over the last 80 years the knowledge of the crash locations had been gradually lost to history. Now, following research by the Earls Colne Heritage Museum permission has been granted to install a memorial at Holmwood Farm.

The Lancaster memorial ceremony can be viewed here for anyone that was unable to attend but wishes to watch.

Lancaster Memorial story

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NEW 13/08/24: Great Tey Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

The Great Neighbourhood Plan Referendum will take place on Thursday 19th September 2024.

The Great Tey Neighbourhood Plan sets out the planning framework about how Great Tey residents and businesses would like the parish to develop up to 2033.

This is the culmination of 7 years work by a small group of volunteers working together to produce a plan that reflects the views of our community regarding the future of development within the Parish.  We urge parishioners to take this opportunity to vote on the Plan on 19th September.

Documents relating to the referendum can be viewed here: Great Tey Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Documents  · Colchester City Council

Notice of Referendum NPR Great Tey

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Community Speedwatch Group


The group are always seeking volunteers to help to monitor and hopefully reduce speed of traffic through our village. If you have a few hours to spare each month and would like to help, please contact the parish clerk David Williams on  01787 224895 or by email at

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