Have Your Say

Have your Say – What is your vision for Great Tey?

The Parish council need your help in planning for the future of our village.  This is particularly important given the current focus by Colchester City Council on the development of the local plan and what that means in terms of allocations for new housing especially in rural areas. 

Whilst nothing has been decided yet, it would be great if we could gauge your thoughts on what the Village might need to support any potential growth.  Ideas could include more footways to make it safe for pedestrians to move around the village, traffic calming measures in key areas, more green spaces, and further development of our existing play area to include such things as an outdoor adult gym, sports facilities etc.  The list is not exhaustive and your ideas and views count so please do email the Parish council at Greatteyparishcouncil@outlook.com with your suggestions.  Once we have a rough idea of requirements we will then follow through with an online survey and village meeting that all will be invited to.  This will enable us to formulate a vision for the future.   

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